TapirLink data provider

TapirLink provides accesspoints that conform to the TAPIR protocol. Each accesspoint is a separate service that can be used to programatically query one of the underlying resources (a local data source exposed to a federated network).


Interaction with this service can only be done through one of the active resources:


TAPIR parameters

The following KVP (key-value pair) parameters can be used to interact with a TAPIR accesspoint using HTTP POST or GET. You can also try the built-in client interface for full XML interaction. For more information about the parameters you can also check the TAPIR specification.

Global parameters:
op [m | metadata] = Default operation to retrieve basic information about the service.
[c | capabilities] = Used to retrieve the essential settings to properly interact with the service.
[i | inventory] = Used to retrieve distinct values of one or more concepts.
[s | search] = Main operation to search and retrieve data.
[p | ping] = Used for monitoring purposes to check service availability.
(default = metadata; cardinality = 1..1)
xslt[ URI ] Gives the address of an XML style sheet to be included after the XML header or applied to the returned data.
(default = null; cardinality = 0..1)
log-only[ true | false | 1 | 0 ] Used to indicate if the request should only be logged, not processed. Returns a log message instead of data.
(default = false; cardinality = 0..1)
Query parameters (for inventory and search operations):
cnt | count[ true | false | 1 | 0 ] Indicates if the total number of records must be returned.
(default = false; cardinality = 0..1)
s | start[ positive integer >= 1 ] Index of the first record to be returned.
(default = 1; cardinality = 0..1)
l | limit[ integer >= 0 ] The number of records to be returned.
(default = null; cardinality = 0..1)
t | templateThe URL of a query template document associated with the operation.
(default = null; cardinality = 0..1)
f | filterA KVP filter expression. This parameter is ignored when a template is specified.
(default = null; cardinality = 0..1)
Inventory parameters:
c | conceptComma-separated list of fully qualified concept identifiers or aliases. This parameter is ignored when a template is specified.
(default = null; cardinality = 0..n)
Search parameters:
e | envelope[ true | false | 1 | 0 ] Indicates if the TAPIR envelope (response, header and diagnostics tags) should be supressed or not.
(default = false; cardinality = 0..1)
m | model[ URI ] A pointer to an output model document. This parameter is ignored when a template is specified.
(default = null; cardinality = 0..1)
p | partialComma-separated list of xpaths of nodes from the output model schema that should be returned. This parameter is ignored when a template is specified.
(default = null; cardinality = 0..n)
o | orderbyComma-separated list of fully qualified concept identifiers or aliases to order results. This parameter is ignored when a template is specified.
(default = null; cardinality = 0..n)